Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Children

For my children

I remember
my pregnancy with you
I fell in love with your every move, and with the sound of your beating heart.
I held your precious body in my arms for the first time and took in your sweet, angelic presence.
Nothing could prepare me for what would lie ahead.
Nothing could prevent my heart from breaking, but it had to be done.
I tried to be strong, but my strength failed me.
I never knew it would be so difficult to write my own name.
I cried, and was grateful for all the precious memories you've given me.
It was a new beginning for you.
The healing was beginning for me.
Time went forward, I learned and grew as I slowly let go of you.
My heart was healed, my life was blessed and my prayers were answered.
Still, there's days when I cry.
I will never stop thinking about you.
Still I wonder about the person you are now, and the person you've yet to become.
I pray that you will always know of the love I have for you.
It's only through the grace of God that you were mine for a time.
He gave you to me, I lovingly obeyed his plans for you.

I love you so very much, Jessica, Briana, and Tiffany...
You are missed so much every single day..I can't wait for the day we meet again. No one can ever take the love I have for you away. Man what I would give to look at your beautiful faces and do all the mother daughter things. I pray that we can have that one day..Never forget that I love you so very much.